Group Photos

John Graham (56-63) has donated a few photos that we've scanned and put on our Facebook page. To view them CLICK/TAP HERE. (Note you don't need to register with Facebook to view them).

Here are a variety of other photos
Can anyone add any missing details to any of these? :-

Probably 1 Alpha in 1961 - from Steve Mellor

Back row L-R Unknown, Palmer, “Wild Bill” Draycott – eventually a dentist, Unknown, Colin Desborough, Me (Steve Mellor), Unknown, Lacey, Paul Jolley?, Duggan – Ian I think? (No relation to Dennis (I thought it was Jim (webmaster)))
Middle row L-R David Bates, Unknown, Unknown, Giddings – I think?, Martin Collins?, Unknown, Unknown, MacLean?,  Unknown, Unknown
Front row L-R Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Richard McMorran, Chris Chapman, Unknown, Bromilow, Unknown, Dunkley?, Mick Quincy, Cornelius?
H E L P ! ! !
Anecdote from Dave Postles: "David Bates obtained the undying respect of Wally
because he knew what were rheas and pirhanas.  In responding to Wally's
question about the identification of the p[irhana, Bates answered 'A
man-eating fish', allowing Wally to exercise his time-worn joke: 'What's
so unusual about that?'"

Form 5S in 1960-61 - see ALL names
now on Facebook (May 16) HERE

Found on ebay June 2016!

1 Alpha from July 1937! Any names?

The Life Saving Team (named!) for 1952:-

4B from September 1950 - Any names please?
Interestingly a copy of this photo appeared on our Facebook page (HERE) recently - marked as 5B not 4B 

Here are a couple of photos from John Storry (CBS 1954-61) relating to his younger brother Peter who was also a pupil at the school. We think the group photo was taken in the late 1950s.

John comments ......'In addition to my younger brother Peter and his friend Percy ? (both back row left), I recognise several faces but few 
names - Squires, Turner, Rudge, Mr Whitbread (who I think taught English).....' 
(plus Mr Gimson (German) on Mr Whitbread's right - webmaster)

John added later..... "? Thornton (behind Mr Whitbread). Next to Mr Gimson is 
Bob (Robert) Turner. (After uni Bob went to South Africa and worked in town planning. He died approx. 13 years ago in SA).
?Squires - next to Mr Whitbread"

When asked which group/ team is on the photo, John replied:
"I imagine the group represents a trip rather than sports. My brother was a keen chess player, he played for Oxford Uni but I do not think the few I know in the photograph had much or any interest in the game. Bob was a good sports player (football and cricket) and I think Squires was a member of the cadet force." 

Anyone recognise the outing?

John comments "......Percy ? in school uniform, possibly on a ferry.  Percy was a good friend

of my younger brother Peter .....'
A 1963 whole school panoramic - click to see a slideshow version (in 9 parts) on our Facebook page

Click/Tap here to see slideshow versions of this & other panoramic photos on Facebook

(NOTE you do NOT need to be signed up to Facebook to view these photos)